Archives for the month of: September, 2014

by Harold M. Frost IV

The maleficent monstrosity of mass incarceration
Is a perverted poison of our sick society
A poison perpetrated by impious politicians
And by miserable meanspirited people
Whom they pitifully and pathetically pander to
It is a terrible evil, a callous cruelty
Mass incarceration as an instrument of social policy
In America is a cancer, is a cruel crime
Against the unfortunate poor and people of color
And many others also in our country
Prisons as they now exist are extremely evil
Places of abuse, cruelty, torture, and deprivation
Of fundamental human needs, human dignity, and human rights
Solitary confinement is a terrible torture
Perpetrated by prisons against poor prisoners
And private prisons are an abject abomination
Greedy corporations therethrough profit off of suffering
America and its people must wake up to these evils
And demand an end to this mass incarceration
An end to the nefarious New Jim Crow
And an end to all forms of cruelty
Cruelty to poor prisoners, as well as
Cruelty to the poor, animals, and the unborn
Let us build a Jubilee Society of Love
Rehabilitate with the power and light of love
Instead of oppressing and puerilely punishing with prisons
The masses of people must turn to God’s love
And rise up peacefully to promote love
Rise up to force the system to change
For the benefit of all people in our country

by Harold M. Frost IV

Global warming and climate change are terrible, possibly even existential, threats to our Earth, and to us humans who depend upon our Earth for sustenance, and to human civilization. Science is clear that global warming is real, in spite of whatever the “climate deniers” may say. Those who deny climate change at best are ignorant, and at worst are speaking and acting maliciously to benefit special interests such as the fossil fuel industry, who care only about their profits, and who care not for the future of human civilization and life on Earth. Many politicians pander to these special interests. And the “Christian Right” denies climate change; but they are hardly experts when it comes to science, and they are not even very Christian when it comes to what they say and what they advocate for- many of them are downright mean and hateful, and they agitate for the politicians they support to make policies that are bad for the poor, as well as bad for the Earth.

Human civilization has waited far too long to deal with issues relating to climate change, and because of this, because we as humans don’t have the liberty of any more time to act, immediate and drastic action is needed. We as a species must immediately slash fossil fuel use, and as rapidly as possible convert to renewable energy. While this conversion is taking place, some use of fossil fuels will be necessary, but they should only be used for the production and delivery of essential goods and services. Travel and electricity use will have to be reduced. Consumption of animal products in wealthy countries will have to be substantially reduced. No more commuting for doing financial-sector jobs that just push money around, and don’t actually produce things or services people use. All of this is incompatible with capitalism, obviously, so capitalism will have to end, for the sake of humankind and its Earth, and it will have to be replaced by a radically different system. Some will call for socialism or communism. I believe a jubilee system (with no money and the forgiveness of all debts) would be best. Others have come up with similar ideas, such as contributionism or Ubuntu. Check out (they want a moneyless society). Any system that replaces capitalism will have to be democratic, fair, loving, and compassionate, and this love and compassion will need to be extended to all people, including the unborn, as well as to animals. May there be a peaceful, lawful, and spiritual Revolution of Love! Let us all turn to God and love Him, each other, and our Earth which He made for us. Let us all, in a spirit of love and solidarity, transcend the base, cruel, unjust and destructive capitalist system we are part of, and let us quickly make the world a Jubilee of Love!