Fordham University theologian Tom Beaudoin discusses this site in a post at America on the role of Catholics in the Occupy movement:

Of the churches who opened their doors to serve as sanctuary churches after the raid on and eviction from Zuccotti Park in NYC a few weeks ago, no Catholic churches were involved (as far as I know), but several other churches (Methodist, Baptist/UCC, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and more) stepped forward. And among the Occupy theologians and chaplains, only a handful are Catholic or identified with Catholic institutions.

Into this gap steps a new website, Occupy Catholics, a place to gather for Catholic-inflected interpretations of Occupy and Catholic resources for engaging the movement. If you are interested, check it out.

Those formed in Catholic thought and practice have much to contribute to Occupy, including a rich tradition of Catholic social teaching to inform thinking about economic justice, a respect for the shaping and mystical-political power of ritual (whether in worship or on the street), and an openness to interreligious dialogue and cooperation. Deepest of all, as far as I can tell theologically, is the yes to incomprehensible and gracious mystery through the practice of solidarity with all those left behind by the social-economic policies we have “chosen” in this country, and the empowering of that “yes” for others by helping them to live a more human life by changing how our society works. It is learning about what is holy through personal and communal resources given for the good of others, for the common good. It is letting the quest for “economic democracy,” alongside those from other religions, faiths, and spiritualities, or none at all, be a school for refining our sense for what is good, true, and beautiful. Without baptizing Occupy by any means, it is letting Occupy, and the many relationships and opportunities it opens, become part of what theologian Karl Rahner called our experience of the Liturgy of the World.

It is as if Catholicism is the sleeping giant while the biggest social movement in a generation, nationally and globally, is going on around it.